September 4, 2013
Coalition of Archaeological and Environmental Groups: Save Chaco Canyon from Drilling and FrackingJanuary 6, 2015
BLM Defers Fracking Near New Mexico's Sacred Chaco CanyonMay 11, 2015
Groups Seek to Stop Unstudied Chaco FrackingJune 1, 2015
Navajo and Environmental Groups Take the Greater Chaco Fracking Fight to BLM's Farmington OfficeAugust 17, 2015
Judge Fails to Halt Fracking in Greater ChacoAugust 18, 2015
More than 165,000 Deliver A Message to New Mexico Politicians: Stop Fracking in the Greater ChacoJune 6, 2016
Obama Administration Pulls Plans for Fracking near Chaco CanyonJuly 13, 2016
Community Reacts to San Juan Basin Oil Tank ExplosionSeptember 2, 2016
Thousands Speak out for Climate and Chaco Canyon, Call for Canceling New Mexico Oil and Gas Lease SaleOctober 19, 2016
October 11, 2016
Groups who have voiced support against fracking in Greater Chaco
We sent this letter October 11 as our last in a series of requests to engage Udall's leadership in calling for an immediate moratorium to fracking in the Greater Chaco region until the Bureau of Land Management has completed it’s Resource Management Plan amendment process to include a comprehensive health and social impact assessment and a plan for climate protection and just transitions to renewable energy development in the area.
March 11, 2015
We sent a letter, signed by over 30 organizations calling for an end to fracking in the region, and copied that letter in an ad in the Santa Fe New Mexican.
June 1, 2015
We sent a letter to BLM Farmington Director Victoria Barr, reasserting the needs above;
August 18, 2015
We delivered over 165,000 petition signatures to Udall's district offices calling for an end to fracking in the Greater Chaco area.
April 2016
BLM lease sale, over two hundred New Mexicans protested the oil and gas auction and the mismanagement of the federal oil and gas leasing program. Then, in efforts to avoid future protests, the BLM moved its July sale to Roswell, and is making moving these auctions online nationally.
September 2, 2016
We sent comments from thousands of New Mexicans calling on BLM to rein in unchecked fracking in the area and abandon its plans to auction off nearly 1,000 acres of public lands at the January 18 oil and gas lease sale.
December 18, 2017
March, 2018
Greater Chaco Employs Guerilla “Warning” Signs to Combat Fracking
March 2, 2018
Greater Chaco Spared from Fracking Auction
Community Responds to Cancellation of Chaco Canyon Oil and Gas Lease Sale
March 6, 2018
#ItsNotOver - Chaco Lease Sale Deferred, Advocates Press for Permanent Protections
March 7, 2018
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Many of the photographs on this page are courtesy of:
©2016-2017 Evalyn Bemis Photography and may not be used without permission.