These are just a few featured projects from coalition members. To see other projects and information please click the logos at the bottom of this page.
Visual Storytelling is personal, political, and can be a powerful tool for education and social change. But stories are more than valuable tools, they are essential in helping us learn how to relate to one another. When we share our stories and make space in our lives to listen – and experience the stories of others, we build trust, empathy, and larger, more creative and connected communities.
The ‘Faces of Chaco‘ offers all these things; it’s an incredible project by the residents of Greater Chaco, in partnership with San Juan Citizens Alliance, Rob Zeigler Photography and Give a Shot. We encourage you to follow the project – which will be released in installments – and if you are moved by the stories, please sign up for updates, take action, and share on social media. Follow #FacesOfChaco on Twitter and Facebook too!
A project by WildEarth Guardians
Updated Chaco Map Highlights On-The-Ground Threats, Opportunities
Their plan is to keep updating this map with photos so you can get a comprehensive, on-the-ground perspective of the stakes we’re facing.
If you have photos you’re willing to share and that you’d like WildEarth Guardians to incorporate into their map, e-mail them to them, they’d love to include them! The only thing that’s required is for the photos to be geotagged so we can precisely plot their location. READ MORE
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Summary of Air Quality Monitoring in Counselor
HIA is monitoring cultural imacts and safety concerns and reporting them to the Navajo Nation, BLM and NM Legislature and US Congress.
HÓZHÓÓGO NA'ADÁ ASSESSMENT Regarding Local Fracking and Drilling Operations Eastern Navajo Agency
A First Report of Hózhóógó na'adá Assessment Conducted 10/27/16 at Counselor Chapter Regarding Natural Resource Development and Fracking
Frack Off Greater Chaco © 2016-2017-2018 | Email Us
Many of the photographs on this page are courtesy of:
©2016-2017 Evalyn Bemis Photography and may not be used without permission.