Urge Secretary Haaland to fulfill the Honoring Chaco Initiative
The Greater Chaco landscape continues to be ravaged by oil and gas development and nearby communities continue to experience the ongoing impacts of industrialized fracking. Interior Secretary Haaland took a major step to protect this region by issuing a 20-year administrative withdrawal that bans new oil and gas drilling on unleased federal lands within a 10-mile buffer around Chaco Culture National Historical Park, but there is still more to do. The Honoring Chaco Initiative (HCI), which seeks to identify solutions to address the need for landscape-level reforms through a new collaborative process, must resume and be completed to protect and restore the cultural integrity of all of Greater Chaco and its communities.
Take action and urge Secretary Haaland to follow through on her promise to Honor Greater Chaco. While a ban on fracking within 10 miles of Chaco Canyon is a step in the right direction, we need landscape-level safeguards that prioritize public health, economic and environmental justice, equity, and sustainability.
Many of the organizations in our coalition have petitions, campaigns or events. Please consider taking the following actions:
Sign Now: We Need 100% Renewable Energy by 2035!
The Off Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act would transition us to 100% renewable energy by 2035. This visionary, ambitious legislation also places a moratorium on new fossil fuel projects and recognizes that the next 10 years are critical. It's time to make it clear to Congress that we want it passed into law.
Off Fossil Fuels: Here’s How We’ll Do It
Food & Water Action Fund has launched a bold new effort to get America Off Fossil Fuels by building political power, beginning at the local level. Together, we’ll cultivate climate champions in government, ban fracking, keep fossil fuels in the ground, stop dangerous pipelines and infrastructure projects, and transition to 100% clean, renewable energy by 2035.
TWU’s Environmental Justice Program
Environmental Justice has been defined by our community as, “Our Commitment to honor and protect the rights of ourselves, our habitat, and the fair treatment of all living things.” To engage in local and International dialogue and activism on nuclear non-proliferation, human rights, and the rights of our Mother Earth, while integrating body, mind, and spiritual awareness into environmental justice advocacy, policy change, and community education. Learn More
Frack Off Greater Chaco © 2016-2017-2018 | Email Us
Many of the photographs on this page are courtesy of:
©2016-2017 Evalyn Bemis Photography and may not be used without permission.