Amazing Artwork Zines Expose Both Issues and Beauty in the Greater Chaco Region
These zines were created by 2018 Land Arts of the American West artists while visiting the Greater Chaco Region in New Mexico and witnessing the environmental racism and health impacts of fracking on local communities. This project, designed to raise public awareness of the issues, was a collaboration with visiting artist, Asha Canalos, and the Greater Chaco Coalition. We want to particularly thank Mario Atencio, Samuel Sage, Daniel Tso, and Beata Tsosie-Peña for meeting with us and generously sharing their experiences and helping us to find ways in which the Land Arts of the American West program can be of service to the Greater Chaco Coalition. Onward and in solidarity, Asha Canalos, Blaise Koller, Brionna Garcia, Erin Gould, Jeanette Hart-Mann, Jessica Zeglin, Kyle Holub, nicholas b. jacobsen, Rowan Willow, Ryan Henel, Sarah Canelas and Xena Gurule.
View the booklets below in .pdf form. These may also be printed.