URGENT ACTION: Protect Greater Chaco from Oil & Gas Land Leases
The BLM is planning to auction off 84,000 acres of land in New Mexico! We need you to help by writing letters of objection. The due date is Oct. 30th.
91% of available lands in Northwest New Mexico are already leased to oil and gas development. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is planning to auction off more than 84,000 acres of land in New Mexico to the oil and gas industry this December. This includes more than 43,000 acres in the Greater Chaco region of the northwest New Mexico and 41,000 acres in the southeast New Mexico’s Greater Carlsbad Caverns region. READ BLM PRESS RELEASE
The BLM is only giving the public 10 days (not 30) to issue protest comments, as well as changing the rules these need to be hand delivered or snail mail (not email).
We have until October 30 to get these protest forms to the BLM main office in Santa Fe.
BLM now requires that when using form letters people must identify themselves as a supporter of the associated non-profit. Another requirement is that the letters must include parcel numbers. You must add comments in your own words so that the BLM will count your objection.
- The BLM will not accept letters that are emailed. They must be delivered in person, by snail mail or through an organization who will print and hand deliver them *see below
- Put as many of your own words into your letter as possible. The BLM does not count “form” letters.
- Your letters must be sent as a supporter of an organization. Below you will find links to some of the organizations who can help you. (The BLM isn't accepting letters sent by individuals unless they say they are writing as a supporter of an organization)
- Include the parcel numbers for the land the BLM wants to lease (listed in the letter templates).
- Include points of particular relevance when writing your comment letters. Ideas are found in the letter templates
- Don’t forget to put your mailing address and email beneath your signature at the bottom of your letter.
* If you write your letter through the link above Frack Off Greater Chaco will print and hand deliver your letter.
Here are some other helpful links to support writing and delivering your protest comment: You can write letters as a supporter of as many organizations as you'd like.
NOTE: If Santa Feans would like to drop off their letters before the Wednesday event, they can bring letters to WildEarth Guardians' offices Monday and Tuesday 9-5 at 516 Alto St. Or email to rsobel@wildearthguardians.org.
Letters can also be dropped off at Sierra Club: Rio Grande Chapter offices in Albuquerque as well.
Thank you for your help! If you have specific questions you can send us an email at info@frackoffchaco.org or contact the organization that your letter is being sent through.